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Dota 2 Beastmaster

Dota 2 name: Beastmaster
DotA name: Rexxar - Beastmaster
HoN Counterpart: Tundra
Affiliation: The Radiant
Primary Attribute: Strength

Dota 2 Lore - Beastmaster

Rexxar was born a child of the stocks. His mother died in childbirth; his father, a farrier for the Mad King of Slom, was trampled to death when he was five. Afterward Rexxar was indentured to the king’s menagerie, where he grew up among all the beasts of the royal court: lions, apes, fell-deer, and things less known, things barely believed in. When the lad was seven, an explorer brought in a beast like none before seen. Dragged before the King in chains, the beast spoke, though its mouth moved not. Its words: a plea for freedom. The King only laughed and ordered the beast perform for his amusement; and when it refused, struck it with the Mad Scepter and ordered it dragged to the stocks. Over the coming months, the boy Rexxar sneaked food and medicinal draughts to the wounded creature, but only managed to slow its deterioration.

Wordlessly, the beast spoke to the boy, and over time their bond strengthened until the boy found he could hold up his end of a conversation--could in fact speak now to all the creatures of the King's menagerie. On the night the beast died, a rage came over the boy. He incited the animals of the court to rebel and threw open their cages to set them amok on the palace grounds. The Mad King was mauled in the mayhem. In the chaos, one regal stag bowed to the boy who had freed him; and with Beastmaster astride him, leapt the high walls of the estate, and escaped. Now a man, Rexxar the Beastmaster has not lost his ability to converse with wild creatures. He has grown into a warrior at one with nature’s savagery.

Dota 2 Beast Master Skills Guide

Beastmaster Skill 1: Wild Axes (Q)
Beastmaster sends his axes flying and calls them home again, slicing through enemies and trees along their path.

Beastmaster Skill 2: Call of The Wild (W)
The Beastmaster calls upon wild beasts to aid him. The duration, strength and number of beasts increases per level. Previous summons are removed upon casting.

Beastmaster Skill 3: Inner Beast (E)
Beastmaster untaps the inner fury of allies, passively increasing their attack speed.

Beastmaster Skill 4: Primal Roar (R)
Beastmaster lets out a deafening roar that deals damage and stuns its target, while opening a path between Beastmaster and his prey. Nearby enemies take minor damage and have their movement speed and attack rate reduced.
With Aghanim's Scepter: Cooldown Decrease. Cast range Increase.

Dota 2 Beastmaster Strategy Guide

Beastmaster Skill Build
1 - Wild Axes
2 - Call of the Wild
3 - Call of the Wild
4 - Wild Axes
5 - Inner Beast
6 - Primal Roar
7 - Call of the Wild
8 - Call of the Wild
9 - Wild Axes
10 - Wild Axes
11 - Primal Roar
12 - Inner Beast
13 - Inner Beast
14 - Inner Beast
15 - Stats
16 - Primal Roar
17 to 25 - Stats

Dota 2 Beastmaster Guide, Beastmaster - Dota 2 Guide, This is a Dota 2 hero guide for Beastmaster.

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