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Dota 2 Update - May 31, 2012

Product Update - Valve
- Added the Dota 2 Store!

- Enabled Ogre Magi in Captain's Mode.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust autocast interrupting your TP scroll.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Multicast Fireblast not extending the stun duration.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust being castable on magic immune units.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust Multicast being used up by couriers.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Fireblast Mutlicast stopping if you die while it is multicast.
-Ogre Magi: Added unique effect for unrefined fireblast
- Outworld Destroyer: Fixed Arcane Orb not working on Illusions recently.

- Fixed losses and abandons not showing correctly on your own profile.
- Kill Cam panel now shows any custom items the killer was wearing.

- Empowering Haste visual no longer shows up on creeps
- Added new effect for unrefined fireblast.

- Fixed bug where bots would run out of their base immediately after teleporting to it.
- Fixed bug that could cause bots to prioritize a temporarily invalid unit (nightmared, reincarnating, etc) over one that is currently valid.
- Fixed case where bots would prioritize other desires over picking up Aegis/Cheese/Rapier.
- Fixed a number of bugs that could cause bots to get stuck near Roshan.
- Easier and Easy bots will now have ability usage lockouts where they're periodically unable to use items and abilities.
- Fixed bug where passive bots would get stuck trying to ward.
- Fixed bug where Dire-side lobby slots would be inaccessible when there were bots in the corresponding Radiant-side lobby slot.

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